Analysis on the Economic Feasibility of New Rural Society Endowment Insurance in China 我国建立新型农村社会养老保险的经济可行性分析
Economic feasibility study reports on investment projects verified by certified public accountants of the host country ( region). 经投资所在国(地区)注册会计师事务所验证的该投资项目的经济可行性分析报告;
The economic feasibility and development foreground of fuel alcohol produced by cassava were analyzed. 分析了广西木薯制燃料酒精的经济可行性和发展前景。
First, it discusses the technical and economic feasibility for the shunting monitoring system to use DGPS technology. 首先,本文从技术和经济两方面论述了调车作业监测系统采用DGPS技术方案的可行性。
Through an analysis of the major process of residuum processing extensively adopted abroad, the article probes the economic feasibility of residuum processing project, and analyzes the sensibility of the factors relating to residuum processing. 通过分析国外广泛采用的主要渣油加工过程,探讨了渣油加工方案的经济可行性,并对渣油加工中关联因素的敏感度进行了分析。
The application and economic feasibility of the technology of one stage with two closed circuits grinding are described. 从实践的角度阐述了一段二闭路磨矿工艺的具体应用情况和运行上的经济可行性。
The electricity tariff of wind power is discussed based on current grid electricity tariff and heating tariff, which proves the economic feasibility of the proposed system. 最后,基于我国现行电价和供暖热价,以确保各参与对象的经济利益不变为前提,讨论了风电的上网电价,证明了该方法的经济可行性。
Also particularly explains the superior characteristics, fabrication process and installation of the compound air duct, in addition, analyzes the economic feasibility of the substitute project. 详细讲解复合风管的优越性能、制作工艺及风管的安装,并以工程实例分析替代方案的经济可行性。
He called for more economic feasibility studies of the nuclear option. 他呼吁对核能选项进行更多的经济可行性研究。
On the Function of Technical& Economic Feasibility Study in Tourism Projects 技术经济论证在旅游项目开发中的作用
Aerobic Reduction Experiment of Excess Sludge and the Economic Feasibility Analysis 剩余污泥好氧减量实验与经济可行性分析
The paper discusses the economic feasibility and advantages of the technology. 文中介绍该工艺技术的技术要点,论证其技术优势及可行性、经济性。
The principle, proceeding, experimental results and economic feasibility of the electron beam FGD technology are analyzed. 对电子束烟气脱硫技术从机理、流程、实验结果及经济可行性进行了分析。
This paper presents a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of Kalina Cycle, including its thermodynamic principles, technical performance, economic feasibility and existing problems. 本文依据国外最新研究与开发动态综合分析和评价Kalina循环的热力学原理、技术性能、经济可行性和存在问题。
This paper first discusses the objective necessity and significance of demand for charging system in colleges and universities and then analyses the economic feasibility for this work at present as well as its reform and development trend. 讨论了高校实行收费制度的客观必然性和重要意义,分析了目前开展这项工作的经济可行性及改革方向与发展趋势。
Economic feasibility and technological possibilities decide the utilization level of natural resources. 自然资源储量的利用程度取决于经济可行性和技术可能性。
Running mode and economic feasibility of community based biodiesel production are also discussed. 还讨论了农场合作型生物柴油厂的运行模式及其经济可行性。
Comparing the retrofit invest and benefit, the method of assessing economic feasibility of bridge aseismic strengthening is suggested. 通过对加固投资与加固后带来的经济效益(经济损失减少)的比较,建议了加固方案经济可行性的评估方法。
Normally, ecological suitability, economic feasibility and social acceptance of land use scenario have to be considered. 开展了生态适宜性、经济可行性和社会可接受性评价。
It also analyses the technological and economic feasibility of it. 并具体分析了320爆破技术用于破除黄河下游冰坝的技术可行性和经济合理性。
Economic feasibility and necessity of ultrasonic detection has been described. 通过经济分析,说明了采用其检验方法在经济上的可行性和必要性。
From the reality of Suzhou cement construction project, both the technical and economic feasibility of the project were analyzed, so were the sales and markets analysis after production. 本文从宿州水泥建设项目实际出发,从技术和经济两个方面对项目的可行性进行了分析,并对投产后市场及销售进行了分析。
On this basis, the thesis then analyzed the technical and economic feasibility of digital urban management in Suzhou New District with the theoretical basis of the knowledge of project feasibility analysis, the implantation plan of organization and management and the expected result. 在此基础上,以项目可行性分析的相关知识为理论基础,进而分析了苏州高新区数字城管的技术和经济上的可行性、组织管理实施方案和最终的预期效果。
The evaluation method of of the project economic feasibility uncertainties was explained. 对不确定性因素对项目经济可行性的影响的评价方法进行说明。
Finally, based on the preliminary financial evaluation of the project planning, determine the project economic feasibility finally. 论文在项目规划的最后进行了初步的财务评价,确定项目的经济可行性。
This paper is in a view of enterprise management and business development needs, based on the analysis of conducting the technical feasibility, economic feasibility and management feasibility; developing the office automation systems for the enterprise with the application of computer technology and Internet technology. 本论文基于企业内部管理及业务发展需求,在进行了技术可行性、经济可行性及管理可行性三个方面分析的基础上,应用计算机技术和Internet技术,开发办公自动化系统服务于企业。
This paper analyzes and introduces the domestic and international technical and economic feasibility analysis and evaluation of relevant theories of development. Then, on the highway project was a brief, analysis of the significance of the project. 本文首先分析和介绍了国内外项目可行性分析与技术经济评价的相关理论发展。然后,对高速公路项目进行了简单的介绍,分析了该项目建设的重要意义。
This makes use of hydrometallurgical methods to reduce phosphorus impurities in high phosphorus iron ore with the economic feasibility. 这使采用湿法冶金方法降低高磷铁矿石中磷杂质的含量具备了经济上的可行性。
Power plant construction project has a wide range of social and economic feasibility study of its great practical significance. 电厂建设项目具有广泛的社会和经济效益,对其进行可行性研究具有重大的现实意义。